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Stasera mi spoglierò
Ed in piedi
Davanti a te
Sarò l’opera
E tu il mio critico d’arte

Quando mi spoglierò
Si, avrò paura delle tue mani e del tuo sguardo
Ma allo stesso tempo li bramerò
E pretenderò da te lo stesso coraggio

Mentre mi guardi, ti guardi allo specchio?

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Come un fiocco di neve
Dalle punte taglienti
Ed io, gli tendo le mani

Biancaneve vestita di rosso.

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How do you feel so alone
In a crowd full of clowns
Don’t they keep you entertained?

Watch them torning and twisting
Don’t you dare miss the show
Trust me, you’re not wasting
Your time or
Half of your life
Chasing the stage lights
You might be
Surrounded by lies
But don’t you dare miss the show

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If you had a chance to run away
How far would you go?
If you could climb the highest mountain
How high would go?
If you were to fall
Who would you call?
Would you be able to truly love someone knowing all of their flaws?
Would you risk it all?
When there's so much to do and to say
and you're feeling so strong
But when you get half of the way
Your knees get so weak
so you shout at the world
as if it was its fault

It's when you are finally free
That it hurts the most
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Apaga la luz

Bésame cuello
Boca y frente

Cada ruido, apágalo
Coches, perros por la calle
Ciudad, apagala


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Me llenas los días
Me llenas el alma
Y me llenas la vida

De aire
De amor
De luz
De fuerza

Contigo soy más paciente
Confío más en mi y en el mundo
Confío en la vida

Me haces ver que hay tantas cosas
Por las que vale la pena luchar
Porqué para ti yo
Lucharía contra todo el mundo

Contigo soy positiva
Porqué solo quiero que tú veas la felicidad que la vida puede ofrecerte
Porqué solo quiero que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad

Contigo yo soy yo y nadie más
Porqué entiendo que me amas
Cuanto te amo yo
Cuando tú eres tú y nadie más.

Eres lo único que quiero.

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L’amore salva
L’amore distrugge
Una persona salva
L’amore distrugge
Una persona cura
L’amore distrugge
Due persone si amano
E si distruggono
Ma si amano
E si ricompongono
Si costruiscono
Si intrecciano
E si dissolvono.
L’amore ama
L’amore crea
L’amore distrugge.
Tu mi ami,
Io ti amo,
Noi cresciamo e creiamo
Poi la vita distrugge.
L’amore ama, l’amore crea
L’amore cresce, l’amore si evolve
L’amore non distrugge
Le persone a volte distruggono,
A volte no.
La vita si evolve
La vita distrugge.
L’amore ama.

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Mirror room

Convinced you’re beside me

When you’re right behind me

Ready to stab me

But you cannot find me

We’ve been down that shit

So mark this chit

It’s written on all those sheets

Though I’m watching them flit


I don’t care

I don’t want it

I’m moving on

I’ll smash that wall.

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Si stringe il cuore
Scendono le lacrime

Le parole
Che vorrei dirti
Gli abbracci
Che vorrei ricevere
Il bacio in fronte
Che vorrei regalarti
E due sugli occhi
Per proteggerti

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Try to imagine words as the sharpest knife you’ve ever seen.

Now try to imagine someone’s heart as the skin of the one you love the most.

Fragile, easy to break, something you would always want to cherish, protect, a precious treasure.

Why would you ever hurt someone when you know how to love?